S波段功率放大器 S Band Amplifier
工作频率 2.8~3.0GHz
Working frequency: 2.8-3.0GHz
- 适用于直线加速器微波功率源
- Suitable for linear accelerator microwave power source
- 输出功率≥300W
- Output power is greater than 300W
- 标准19英寸3U机箱
- Standard 19-inch 3U case
- 供电电压 AC 220V
- Supply voltage AC 220V
型号 Part Number | 最低工作频率 lowest working frequency(MHz) | 最高工作频率 highest working frequency(MHz) | 典型增益 Gain(dB) | 输出功率 Psat(W) | 占空比 | 脉宽 | 射频输入动态范围 |
SPA55S-B | 2800 | 3000 | 50-60可调 | 300 | ≤10% | ≤25us | 20dB |
The above indicators are typical values, and some parameters of this series of products can be customized
技术参数Symbol | 单位Units | 典型值Typ |
微波脉冲平顶宽度 | usec | 1.4 - 6usec可调(可定制25us) |
射频功率输出PL(1dB) | W | 300 |
输出功率vs输入功率 动态范围 | dB | 20 |
脉冲前沿 | ns | <50 |
脉冲后沿 | ns | <70 |
脉内平顶 | <0.2% (RMS) | |
脉内相移 | <1° (RMS) | |
微波脉冲前沿抖动 | ns | <5 |
射频功率稳定度 | <0.035% (RMS) | |
相位稳定度 | <0.015°(RMS) | |
附加相位抖动 | fs | <10 |
漏脉冲 | <1/106 |
- 输出功率数显监测
- Output power digital display monitoring
- 输入功率数显监测
- Input power digital display monitoring
- 脉冲宽度数显监测
- Pulse width is numerically monitored
- 通过工作状态监测指示灯可直观监测触发信号、输入、输出等实时状态
- The working status monitoring indicator can directly monitor the trigger signal, input, output and other real-time status
- 可通过前面板控制旋钮调节脉冲宽度
- The pulse width can be adjusted by the front panel control knob
- 可通过前面板控制旋钮调节功放增益
- Power amplifier gain can be adjusted by front panel control knob
- 前面板设置监测接口,可直接使用仪器监测射频信号和检波包络曲线
- The front panel is equipped with monitoring interface, which can directly monitor rf signal and detection envelope curve
- 标准19英寸机箱,内置风冷散热器
- Standard 19-inch case with built-in air cooled radiator
- 可配置LAN接口远程实时监测运行状态
- Configurable LAN interface for remote real-time monitoring of running status
说明 Notes ①、②
Figure of amplitude stability and phase stability test data from Shanghai jiaotong university, low level open loop testing system, amplitude, phase jitter value added in the low level of the power amplifier closed-loop environment will be better than the above system test values.
说明 Notes ③、④
Figure of amplitude stability and phase stability test data from Shanghai jiaotong university, low level closed loop test, the test system the test values jitter measurement superposition factors include low level system itself.